Friday, September 3, 2010

Picture Frames

 I went antiquing/op-shopping with my lovely friend Ebz on saturday, and we ended up in the back streets of Islington (amazingly she knew where to go haha- kidding ebz) in these awesome second hand furniture shops.

Anyway, my lover and I are pimping out "our" apartment and I decided to get a whole heap of frames, because I think when bunched together, mismatched but in the same colour they would look awesome.... Ebz and I found so many beautiful frames, that happened to be framing some rather unfortunate pictures/craft that will be binned as soon as I get around to it!  Ebz got to buy the most beautiful golden frame because she's a proper artist, unlike me who clicks my camera and hopes for the best!!!
(Check out her website
My favourite painting isn't on her site, but it is beautiful in its utter moroseness, and reminded me of Mordor...and then I found out it was based on the actual NZ mountain they filmed it at, so how good am I!? )

Anyway we had the yummiest breakfast at this place, Coliseum Antiques,   and generally had a really really fun morning.... the shop we had breakfast in (best poached eggs mmm) had this antique carved table for $12,900.00 sooooooo beautiful but so freaking expensive!!!

Photos borrowed indefinately (ok its larceny I admit it) from various house-lovely blogs, which are listed on the side.  I mean, if you're going to put something on the net, expect it to get borrwed right? The last one is from Design * Sponge

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